Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is a good reason to put on a job application if you are looking for a new job? I am no longer happy .?

ah, no. how about something like the job you have no longer challenges you and you can't go any further with it. you're looking for a job that is more career oriented. you have more to offer than your current job has
What is a good reason to put on a job application if you are looking for a new job? I am no longer happy .?
well is it in the same field? You could say you want to advance and feel that the company you are applying for seems to fit better. Hook it up. Just make sure you seem a lil more loyal
Reply:looking to expand your skills, looking for new opportunities,
Reply:current job no longer satisfies my carrer goals.
Reply:-current position is not challenging enough
Reply:seeking new challenges in different venues
Reply:looking to advance your career

seeking a challenging career
Reply:Need a change - seeking new challenges

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