Saturday, October 24, 2009

I am looking for a good answer to this question. For a job application.?

Give specific examples of your ability and experience in planning, prioritizing, and meeting unexpected demands.
I am looking for a good answer to this question. For a job application.?
i would answer it using my previous job experience. Ex: In my past position as a ________ I had to deal with all of these issues. It was my job to PLAN the meeting agenda for our bimonthly meetings. In my position as _______ i had to PRIORITIZE in order to get the most important things done first. Last but not least i dealt with UNEXPECTING DEMANDS by not getting to anxious. (give an example). I think I am more than capable of dealing with any issues that may arise in this position.
Reply:FIRST OF ALL, NEVER SAY THAT "I DONT KNOW" OR "IVE NEVER REALLY HAD THAT EXPIRIENCE" they automatically turn you down. My father is a manager at a Wal*Mart, and i asked him about good interviews. This question is most likely going to tell the employer whether you are going to be organized, or a mess.

I would say that a good answer for this question would be something as follows:

As far as planning and prioritizing goes, I am faced with many decisions every day. I need to figure out when to fit in my chores, schoolwork, and when to relax. Since all of these are important, I need to prioritize. Is the schoolwork due soon? Can the dusting wait another day? Do i have substantial rest? Do i have enough time to fit them all in? Prioritizing to me is not a question whether I can fit everything it, but the most efficient and effective way to do things, in a set time period.

Meeting unexpected demands- When my parents come home from work at night, they are usually tired and need rest. Perhaps they are stressed out. They expect me to do the dishes and dust(for example). However, the floor needs sweeped and the carpet, vaccumed. Although i receive nothing for doing a little extra, This gives my parents more time to relax and do other things that may need done.
Reply:use these keywords when listing your experience.

i.e., planned....prioritized my workload.....met and dealth with constant unexpected demands from coworkers and the public etc in a calm, professional, and courteous manner utilizing my excellent customer service skills.

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